<h1>Dr. Clark Meeting 10/31/12<h1>
<h2>Conceptual Design Presentation</h2>
<li>Sped through conceptual design presentation</li>
<li>Said presentation looked good</li>
<h2>Motor Drivers<h2>
<li>try switching power supplies</li>
<li>test Arduino PWM output on oscilloscope</li>
<li>try different motor driver</li>
<h2>Sponsorship flyer</h2>
<li>Make shorter and more to the point</li>
<li>Limit technical details</li>
<li>Mention more things that would make people want to give us money: first team, FAMU is an HBCU</li>
<p>See presentation for 10/31/12 for further details on what was discussed</p>